The First Click with Thammi ! It's really long way , or should I say ,the tall way from this one ! This was just before you fell sick with pneumonia - traumatic times but showed your fighting spirit ! Awesomeness ! "Bhaat with all the Paraphrenalia " The first official rice eating with all the trappings ! They say what you pick up is what you become and you looked over the money, clump of clay, book and picked up the pen !! Turning 21- that's a landmark I guess! The universally official adulthood ! If I have to look back ,there are pictures in the album and rest are in my heart ! happy birthday The first missing tooth ! Of being Phokla and being mighty disappointed when you turned the pillow and did not find money there! The deal was that tooth fairy gives you 5 rupees per tooth! The tooth had a ceremonial burial in a rat hole !