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Showing posts from December, 2018

end is almost here.......

- "Aap ke wahan sunset nehi hota kya? ki aap itna duur aaye ho?" asked our young camel cart driver. Profound  question. Of course we have sunsets every evening, but never have the time to look out for it. Our city life does not have so much of open spaces, and the sun hides behind high rises. But it was so difficult to explain all this to the owner of Michael Jackson, who never went beyond Sam...the desert outside Jaisalmer. And soon the sun will set on 2018, one more year gone and another year to come. The random app quiz said it will be a year of surprises!! Honestly I am happy the way it is - accepting changes, living each day and not making any resolutions :) And it is perhaps a blessing to see the sun that follows every rain.... Move on !!!!