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Showing posts from November, 2020

Diwali 2020

This is a comparatively quieter Diwali.  And we did did not go out. Just decorated the house. In fact noticed a neighbour's house devoid of light. And amid the shine it spoke of gloom.  The filmstars house was all lit up. Starry  bright. A contrast. And that's life. Someone's laughing and someone's crying. Life goes on.  Like Mandala, like circles. And we hope for the best.   

High n low!

Watching the eagles fly high! And on ground reality  my diwali cleaning spree.  A heavy box of tile just topples on my left foot.  Out of sheer fear I don't scream, just let out an yelp!!! For Bhaskar would immediately start on his gyaan!!!  -  চিবু, দেখ  কিরম কালো হল!!!  -  কৈ?  - এইত! This time he leaves his phone and peers - হ্যা, হয়েছে।   Back to his preening.  I mutter ভাগগিস ভাণ্ডেনি!!!! Thank god it's not broken, though I am not sure, and I poke the tender part.  And I suddenly remember long ago an orthopedic telling me Your bones are not like normal human bones!!!!!  Icepack, arnica, blog post and my house looks clean 😃


 Barred life Blurred, dark But moon has its magic New, full or stark.