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Showing posts from October, 2016
He was fascinated with the way she found every nuance of high life amazing and she found him amazing. From the way he walked the crossed legged walk, to the way he smoked and the curious ring on his finger with two letters snaked together. She often asked him what it meant- to which he smiled mysteriously. Life was like an ice-cream flavor - Blind love ! Till she found out the meaning of those two letters in the ring. Till he lost his interest in teaching her about the skills in getting around the rich and famous. is not like blind love, and ice creams melt in the mouth or in the heart. And years later one learns the ropes - She is a society damsel and he is all alone. Do they meet ? May be not ....cos real life is far from reel, and protagonists live across they road yet they lose their feel. Love remains blind in the end, cos if you had eyes you would see through the pretend :)


The ashche bochor came and went and the wait begins...The sky really looked blue and the days are a bit better, and nights a bit cooler.  This time I pandal hopped a bit and went to the immersion after years and kept wondering about the cycle of beginnings, ends and beginnings - of joy , grandeur, gaiety and all things good and evil. The wait begins again... In the end all things are vertical, whether gods or the lesser mortals. And I look at people more closely -must be my age and the fact that I am out of the selfie mode.  The airport waiting area was an ideal showcase...There were the ones who are absolutely at ease with PDA ( public display of affection) and there are others who are anxious to find a known face in an unknown city, the old and the infirm and of course the confident one. A mix bag like life, love and all that time throws in... In this season of goodbyes and re-entries let me live in my time in space for a while.... Divine...