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Yeh mera India..I love my India !!

Last afternoon's Satyamev Jayate again  pointed out how our country lacked the infrastructure to make life more difficult and complicated. It focused on the "differently-abled " and how they survive, live normally, love and succeed against all odds. Aamir Khan as usual brought out the best in the program and left a message many of us are uncomfortable with. It took me back to the Class 2 that I taught around 4-5 years back. There was Pritvijit- hyper, attention deficit and incommunicado and a handful amid a class of 45 six+ olds! I found him difficult too- and often had to bring him back from the playground ( phool-bagan according to him) forcibly. Of course I had no training to handle such a child, except my common sense (which does not work in the last period , after a nerve wracking day else where)! What I realize now is that I found him difficult and different , not his classmates- they were helpful, protective and quite at ease with his activities ( idiosyncrasies-we thought)- so it was US who were the problem- not him ,finally!
Closer home , last afternoon an electric pole in our lane caught fire ! The electricians and the technicians who came to repair the wire did so in the most primitive manner ! There were two men holding onto a ladder as high as a 3storied house and the third person was repairing the torn wire manually - literally holding on to it and moving while his companions moved that tottering bamboo contraption by lifting it up and moving it!In the age of hydraulic ladders and technical gizmos it looked like an effort from the neanderthal  age. I watched fascinated , marveling at the man's courage and the fact that he risks his life everyday in this sweltering humidity , so that we can live in our A/C comfort !  
This I guess is  India , meri jaan !


  1. i particularly loved nisa's story this week :)

  2. So did I....Quite thought provoking - Our "normal " world suddenly seems so bleak !

  3. How true! These unsung heroes are always taken for granted... their hard work & sacrifices often go unnoticed.. Thanks for sharing, dear Amrita... love reading your blog :)

  4. dear rpm, thanks for your visits and I really appreciate your comments...:))) though am not sure about the mystery behind the anonymity :P But I really do like the fact that you take time out to read and express yourself! take care and God bless!

  5. Thanks Paro for joining :))) love to have you around @rpm :))))


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