Talk friends Talk ! |
Autumn is the new Spring - I read it somewhere in some other context and was fascinated how it applies in our lives if I want to apply it , that is ! It is a season that makes me think of of my classmates of long ago- My school friends with whom I chat whenever I can just like I did so many years back !

And then the freedom to be on my own without being told what not to do- to take off for a movie alone, eat at a restaurant alone and even travel alone!
Autumn has it's own beauty - the mellow, the moderate , the mysterious- you do not quite know what kind of surprises the day will hold for you - sunshine , rain or a little nip in the air !
We have probably all reached the autumn of our lives - and like the fall colors our lives have taken many hues. You may call it complicated but I feel they are more like the shades on a shade card ! Be it relationships or career or our personalities! The reflections that has honed us - the sadness that has made us strong and the happiness that has brought in the radiating contentment ....I love it all and embrace with a smile !
Autumn is not so bad after all - just a new
spring !Spring in the step and spring in the heart - and who cares what winter will bring us ?
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