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rain on me .....

And the rains came....after days of heat, sweat and grime, suddenly everything looked washed clean , like freshly soaped linen !
The droplets hung on the leaves and the single rose in the bush, and the car got badly sprayed with mud....but who cares ?

The sound of rain is the best music I heard in a long long time. And I could finally spot the elusive squirrel that was making a racket all these days and I just hoped the cat doesn't kill the squirrel.... 
It is a dog eat dog world...both the kittens died, one killed by the dog and the other run over. Only last Monday I was watching them frolic as I sipped my tea.
Terrorism and unmindful killings do not have a boundary, from my garden to the world outside , no one is safe anymore. Just the other day I was thinking , these kittens are safe within the four walls of the garden and good that they have learnt to climb trees....but I did not foresee that they too would venture out.

And my Tarot prediction on Facebook was all about Death......Not a happy thought when I was in a mood to be dark and reflective. Even when Death means an end and a beginning ........
Ah... the rains , they always make look at life from both sides now... the illusions and the images!!!!

Transformation. Death of the old ways. Making way for new energy and revitalization. Time to look for a new path. Change in a relationship, job or long-standing belief. Possible new beginning or liberation. Time to let go of something and let it pass from your life. Change of mind. Outside influence will cause drastic change. Accept change or change will be thrust upon you. Grieving a loss or change. Rebirth.


  1. there s nothing like the fresh smell of mud after first rain... there must be a lot of trees around to enjoy the rains to the brim..

    1. You rarely get that wet-earth smell as we live in a concrete and asphalt world. I am lucky cos the house has a garden and we still get that heady muddy smell after the first rains.

    2. You rarely get that wet-earth smell as we live in a concrete and asphalt world. I am lucky cos the house has a garden and we still get that heady muddy smell after the first rains.

  2. Death is all around us.. Life is like a drop of water on a lotus leaf .. Will roll off any moment.. Yet rain comes and new life begins.
    Very thoughtful article Mithu..!

  3. Death is all around us.. Life is like a drop of water on a lotus leaf .. Will roll off any moment.. Yet rain comes and new life begins.
    Very thoughtful article Mithu..!

    1. Very true Nandini, sometimes I look at my father's favorite arm chair and wonder.....things remain and people perish...

  4. I find rains to be always long as I am within my four walls!

    1. The first rain definitely is ...till there is a deluge :(


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