The bird feeder didn't actually attract any birds, except the crow.
Actually, where I stay now is a concrete jungle, only advantage is the open sky.
Now this crow comes often, cocks his head on one side and inspects if anything is available.
One of these days I fed him/ her with a biscuit and all hell broke lose. After sometimes it came back with a companion and started calling out in different tones.
Chibu was making coffee in the kitchen and as he put down mine on the table said, যাও, ডাকছে।
And l found one of them perched on the arm chair inside the room and the minute I came the cawing became insistent.
Bhaskar wasn't too kind and drove them away very aggressively, forbidding any kind of feeding.
Well, one of them comes back, the tone is softer, a bit pleading and I leave rice grains and egg shells. Which definitely isn't as attractive as digestive cookies.
My balcony looks colourful these days with flowers that I finally managed. Colors are superficial and flowers are transitory.
Sab moh maya hai.
The faster we realize, easier it is for us!
And we are like that crow in the end. Some things are out of reach, yet we never give up on hope!
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