Caught in a traffic snarl for a change I was watching the procession instead of getting irritated. Life has been quite a whirl for the past year. We have welcomed arrivals, cried over departures, travelled a lot, worked a bit. Went with the flow as Bhaskar said. And answered random questionnaire on three most important words in your life....
Salary is credited ( my favorite)
Go with flow( Bhaskar's currant favorite)
I love you ( really?
Salary is credited ( my favorite)
Go with flow( Bhaskar's currant favorite)
I love you ( really?

And yesterday.....
No malignancy found ( gratitude to a greater being)
To life Amen.
Pappu pass ho Gaya
No malignancy found ( gratitude to a greater being)
To life Amen.
Pappu pass ho Gaya

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