This seems to be a season of goodbyes - of finales and adieus. I always feel a heaviness in my heart as I watch the hearse leaving with the departed. But then , life goes on and maybe as the Regression Therapy states there is life beyond and you transcend this life and many more to be with those who matter over the eternity ..... And time touches everything to transform them for better or for worse - depends on how you look at it. Last week we were in Digha , by the sea ,brought back throwback memories which belonged to another time and the same place. People gave me strange looks when I said I was in Digha , because it is synonymous with crowds, seediness and all things that almost everyone looks down upon. But Digha to me means Baba and driving down the beach ( It is an impossibility now) with the gulls flying out of the way- stretches of sand and shells and shell fish and crabs running against the tide. Digha also means happy time, walks down the beach, and...