How would it begin ? Maybe on an evening like this...when she suddenly notices the sunset through the broken window of the staircase and takes her mobile out to catch the splintering rays on the alley. Her vision is blocked by this figure obstructing her picture frame and she exclaims "Ahrghh!"The figure looks up from his phone and their eyes meet :P!
How corny can I get ? But corny stories sell....So....
Their eyes meet, and the sunset disintegrates into a million hazy pixels on the phone screen . He realizes that he has done something wrong from the expression and to make things right, smiles.....
But what happens after that ? Do they meet over coffee or is it that go their way ? Writers' block.....
I miss Chibu at these times - he would either laugh away my plot into a thousand smithereens of convoluted laughter or blow it into the rings of smoke that he has taken to, of late.
And she smiles back - despite and focuses the camera again , catching the lanky frame in the alley against the sunset. He took advantage of the sunshine on the girls face and posed with his arms stretched out ! The silhouette adding a new dimension to the photograph !
Three lines and and I run out of imagination ! Do people always meet and go a step forward in life ? Why can't it be a casual encounter and minute of here now and gone ? Why do we have to follow a trajectory ? The oft repeated path ?
The reverie was interrupted by the sound of a screeching tyre - and she just remembered that it was shopping time - and in a trice she jumped up the stair case to her apartment to take a quick peek at the mirror and get her purse - cos she was going "shoe shopping" ! He stood by staring at the window and realized that the " showstopper moment "was over - he was abandoned and there was another curious pair of eyes sitting atop a motorbike scrutinizing him ...... And he smiled again ! And waved to him and plugging his earphones walked away ......
So the boyfriend is here ....what will happen to the stranger now ? Strangers are always so romantic....one can always find so much of twist in the tale when there is a stranger ...
So "shoe shopping" she went - trying on pairs and preening in the mirror and in the guy's eyes for approval , till she settled for a shoe that she liked and which will go with most of her dresses , till the shopkeeper came forth with another pair , which actually did not look so good , but the moment she wore it, it seemed that this pair was meant for her - so comfortable . snug and walk worthy. Funny ! She thought are relationships like that ? The glitz is what we crave for, yet at the end of the day you need a cocoon- and she chose the shoe that was soft over the one that would be jazzy. For no reason she remembered the guy on that sunset evening - who is he ? what does he do ? will I ever see him again? And she realized that she was holding up two people who were so patiently waiting for her to decide and pay up!
Decisions - ahh ! We decide and then life takes a turn for the unknown. Like changing the settings in a photograph , like the moods on a balmy evening , like the storm in a sea that churns the tranquil blue to a mysterious grey.
My story remains open , maybe the girl will meet the boy , maybe not :) May be, she will fade into the oblivion of a sunset evening with her Prince Charming! The twists in life make a tale ......
Your Chibu baby has his own writer's block eating his head for quite some time, I am sure. But then, what would I know! Also, lovely post :)
ReplyDeleteThanks beautiful :) I too am waiting for Chibu to write ......maybe he will after he finishes gunning down this one ...I hope he does :)
DeleteWell I exactly know from where the germ of the helluva idea has come to your mind as i was the accomplice to the scene..and boy its hilarious..hmmm...waiting to read more on these lines and may be share a few ideas as long as the creative mind shines...Gottcha!!!
That's why I asked you to read this :P Sid , I knew you would get it :D