I guess we were a generation who were the first to be introduced to the world of "instantness"- Maggi , Nikki-Tasha kitchenette and Hot-shot camera. Maggi , like Sudatta mentioned today has many memories. I used to stay in a barsati in Chittaranjan Avenue and had only a heater and saucepan for company. The only food I could make was Maggi. My staple lunch. Chibu's first culinary experiment was with Maggi "noode" -he could not even pronounce the word properly. So it would be sad to see Maggi go- despite the "lead' and msg brahua. We consume arsenic in water , tanin in tea leaves, metanil yellow in turmeric and numerous other pesticides/ chemically harmful ingredients in almost all the eatables. I do not support Maggi's adulteration , but am just saddened to see the instant fall from grace- easy come uneasy go......
And T4's fall from grace is equally sad - he is a "beast" after all so it's a crime that he killed a human. We are the superior race so we can kill elephants for ivory and rhinos for horn and black bucks for trophy. And we can go scott free .....
And instants are never constants......even if they make me break a limbo and take to the keyboard......
I had potato cheese maggi for lunch today itself! :)