The last one month and a half had been a tumultuous one , with me looking out for a silver lining everyday- Bhaskar pushing me out of the house at times to get me out of the brooding mode - All of us living in our isles of misery...though I always said this will not last and misery like medicine comes with an expiry date...
And now it's time for us to leave the nest one by one - me with a heavy heart for a change. Chibu's expressions are inscrutable, it's difficult to guess what's going in his head. Bhaskar is uncertain. The nest will have the fledgling gone...and I am sad , happy, uncertain , numb and in a myriad state of confusion. I always thought I was the eagle mum- hardcore when it's time for fledglings to fly....but with the test approaching I have a feeling I will fail miserably.....