Watching Ice Age for the umpteenth time! This animated story about unlikely friendships and tales of survival even in the neanderthal age always fascinates me.
Of compassion and forgiveness!
We keep talking about relationships these days - of the open kind and the shut kind :-)
And the open and shut kind !
I read long ago about an aged couple saying "In our times if something broke we try to mend it".
And this was obviously before the term "use and throw" became a part and parcel of life- be it ball pens or jobs or relationships.
Being alone gives me time to philosophize. This morning I was wondering how different my life is going to be a week from now. Enjoying my morning coffee listening to the squirrels cheep cheeping is going to be a luxury soon . With work , hospital runs and the daily nitty-gritty I rarely have the time to breathe! These are the pros and the cons of solo life - you gain some and you lose some.
And that brings me back to my bucket list which has more free time as a priority . This time I have a trainee who celebrated his 65th birthday. At this age he is back in the classroom and plans to travel to China and teach !He keeps telling me never to give up - on working, never be idle :) !
Seriously !!!
Or maybe it means we look for the treasures in life as long as we whatever form :)
Of compassion and forgiveness!
We keep talking about relationships these days - of the open kind and the shut kind :-)
And the open and shut kind !
I read long ago about an aged couple saying "In our times if something broke we try to mend it".
And this was obviously before the term "use and throw" became a part and parcel of life- be it ball pens or jobs or relationships.
Being alone gives me time to philosophize. This morning I was wondering how different my life is going to be a week from now. Enjoying my morning coffee listening to the squirrels cheep cheeping is going to be a luxury soon . With work , hospital runs and the daily nitty-gritty I rarely have the time to breathe! These are the pros and the cons of solo life - you gain some and you lose some.
And that brings me back to my bucket list which has more free time as a priority . This time I have a trainee who celebrated his 65th birthday. At this age he is back in the classroom and plans to travel to China and teach !He keeps telling me never to give up - on working, never be idle :) !
Seriously !!!
Or maybe it means we look for the treasures in life as long as we whatever form :)
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