In search of a happy blog :-) !
Many reasons to feel happy- a passed test, prayers answered and Mainak's most eligible bachelor getting married ( breaking hearts?)
Chibu is a tad unhappy , though I am sure pretty excited about his 'guru' tying the knot- unhappy cos the time is divided now !
Bhaskar seemed happy that "shitkaal" has finally arrived in Kolkata and I am sure the mellow sunlight and the blankets are casting their magic. The fleeting charm, thus much loved.
Kochi is still warm, though the evenings are pleasant and I have enough of me- time watching movies, developing content and reading. Bhaskar asks how I pass my time without anything to dust? Well my OCD is phenomenal!
Coming back to happiness - a lot is speculated and defined and debated.
What makes you happy ? - A moment , an event , a surprise , a fulfillment factor , the divine or the myriad mystical magical moorings of life ?
Bhaskar always tells me to look beneath when I crib and crab- and count on what I
have in life and not what I have missed ! Difficult , but true - there is so much to feel good about - I have been lucky in many ways.
I still have preserved my tattered sweat shirt , my comfort zone of security - something I want to throw out but cannot coz it feels good against my skin despite being an unbearable sight :-)
Ah life is like that too - feels good despite the undesired and the undesirable - they too are in my corner - variation in the hues of happiness .... Life is stable ! Amen to that !
"You may feel comfortable bobbing around in the little lake that you’re used to, but if you don’t stretch your comfort zone and venture out into the adjoining waterways, you’ll never discover the beauty and immensity of the ocean – you will never even know it exists. Holding on to what’s comfortable may be the very reason you often feel like something is missing in your life.
Remember, just because you venture out into the world doesn’t mean you can’t return home whenever you want to. It’s okay to come back to where you started, but it’s NOT OKAY to never leave." (Read Start: Punch Fear in the Face
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