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Even if I am mad, does not mean I do not care !

Growing old together sounds so "cute" when you are young. I have been wanting to write about this for a long long time , yet even now have not found the right words to express...
Living with my nonegerian parent in laws is probably a true example of understanding the meaning of dependence and a deeper bond that only time can temper!
Long long time back I remember asking Bhaskar "What shall we do when we are old?" and he had replied " We will talk of these times..." To a 20 something it was the most rose tinted romantic reply, but now I realize what it is like to go back in the past. It is painful. The other afternoon my father-in -law refused to get up for his evening tea, insisting that he is playing cricket ! He lives in the past mostly, in his youth , and talks of the days when he cycled to his college for the classes and his children were small. My mother in law at times seems worried and at times amused and both ponder and worry who is going to leave whom first. It seems that both live for each other , giving support in that twilight zone , where no one else can tread.
When young we often think that life is going to be like this and that ! But then life is always a bundle of surprises- and no relationship is like "somewhere over the rainbow...."
And at times we look at a person suffering from age and debility and think may be oblivion is the relief , little realizing that the other half is alive because .....
Life with it's sell by date is so cliched, and I probably still believe in the infinity in this life - of being till the end even on the mad days and bad days~ though I see relationships crumbling all around me ! Yet I believe in the belief....and that's a sign that I am growing old and grouchy and temeperamental yet.......with the twilight merging into the night  I would still want that umbrella over my head ! At least for this life...In my next life I shall be an elephant !!!!!!


  1. The last line was beautiful. I wish I could think this way. Half of my problems would have been solved. Nice read :)
    And uncle's reply was so sweet! The next generation would not have something like that. Sadly :D

    1. Even our generation is not a big believer in relationships.. I guess I have been an exception in many ways, balancing life, parents, friends's an elephantine job...:) but no regrets !


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