I always complain about summer- the sweat -the sun. It always brings out the worst side of me. Short fused, sweaty and sloppy! I remember when I was in college, summers were not so bad! I mean was it because life was fun and I did not bother about the heat ? Or were the summers less scorching? I remember Baba was amazed when he found Mamtu and me roaming around in Park Street one hot summer afternoon - he had asked," Baire ta ki A.C. naki ?"
Well ! life surely had its surprises then !!
But , I chose mediocrity instead, cause it's like a safety net- my haven of being in my comfort zone!
Bhaskar tends to disagree at times- saying that I travel alone often enough- stay on my own and still live my own life!
But is that adventure?- Not really . I never do anything out of ordinary, take risks (unless chucking up the secure APS job is considered a risque)..It's like this poem I read long long ago in a Harold Robbins story ( of all things)..
And this has become the motto of my life....
Call no man foe, but never love a stranger.
Build up no plan, nor any star pursue.
Go forth with crowds; in loneliness is danger.
Thus nothing God can send,
And nothing God can do
Shall pierce your peace, my friend.
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