Why I don't know ,but the Dentist's chair always reminds me of the Electric Chair! The last time I was there was to extract a Molar- my first! Somehow the anesthesia had numbed my senses and when the finality was over , there was the Dentist holding an obnoxious looking , blood smeared tooth , asking me if I would like to keep it as a relic!!! Sayo suggested that I make it into a talisman and hang it around Bhaskar's neck! Ahh...just imagine!
Well this time around it was no better, as I was lulled into a false sense off security, told in a comforting voice that it's just going to be pin prick to take out the puss in my gums- and just as I was relaxing came the blinding jab that almost made my head split- eyes burst into tears, and if my mouth was not stuffed with wads of cotton pads I probably would have brought the hospital roof down! My first thought when the pain in my head subsided was that I will miss the Biriyani at Sabi's wedding and Omg ! what a sight I will look with a puffed up upper -lip and stuffed pad in my upper jaw!
When Chibu was a baby, I had bought him a book called "Honu-Singh Daktar", a story of a monkey dentist , who extracted a camel's tooth with a set of pliers!! Never did I imagine I will meet one in real life!
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