Excerpt from The speaking tree... They feed on your time and energy, tiring you out, so protect yourself, writes BINDIYA MURGAI. The Buddha said, “Life is a journey and you don’t always choose the people with whom you travel that journey”. You are a pilgrim on a trip called life. Whilst on your path, you will meet people who send you plummeting over an emotional cliff. These people come in various shapes, sizes and forms and are called emotional vampires. They don’t wear capes, fly or grow fangs. They can come in the form of relatives, friends, spouses, co-workers and bosses. They are the ones that feed on your time, energy and sometimes, your money! Interactions with them leave you feeling emotionally drained, physically tired, irritable, angry, inadequate, hopeless, trapped or afraid. Your mood nosedives when you are with them. They can affect your emotional and physical health. That’s why it’s important to identify and deal with them. Such people are often very i...