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Showing posts from October, 2021

To be!

 The mornings are suddenly a bit cooler. Mellow sunshine, a nip in the air, and ginger tastes good in the tea.  A call came from a friend asking if I know any astrologers - I am the wrong person. Who has seen tomorrow?  But he insisted. And I referred to incidents which turned exactly opposite of the predictions made. The horoscope is a horrorscope!  As I watch the sunlight filter, I thought of guardian angels. Loved ones who fiercely protected me and mine when they were here and even after they are gone, I feel their circle of love and feel safe!  Tea, today, to- be..... Fleeting.  And in the end I realize for most things in life we are given a choice . We just overlook it and then blame it on fate! 


 My attempt at alpona is pretty pathetic these days. Arthritis, age and artistic allergy!  With Diwali coming I am on a cleaning spree. And letting go of objects can be liberating. You suddenly enjoy the space it creates. Literally and figuratively. You see beyond the barriers!  And life is still ruled by virus and virtual. If I can just break the v factor once, it will be victory !  To light and life!  Amen  And I keep hoping !