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Showing posts from November, 2016

City lights....

I looked at the picture incredulously. Was it me ? Did I actually look like that ? The mirror said a different story altogether. The picture showed a happier time , smiles without a million crows feet around the eyes, teeth instead of pink baby gums and wispy hair. Ah plays havoc - gives so much and takes away all the bounty! I slowly turned towards the balcony and headed for the chair, now warmed by the fleeting winter sun. Renu brings me my cup of tea and the book marked midway. The skyline looks almost the same except for a few more highrises  raising their heads and blocking the view of the flyover that used to be clearly visible a few years before. I still remembered how I felt when I first moved in almost half a century back - my first view of the city at night from a highrise , with its shimmering lights and traffic trails. In my mind I was in New York, though I hadn't ever been there. Baba had laughed when I exclaimed childishly "This is like New York !!...