I write this every year..this time ! Crave for rain...though this time I thank god that I live in an a/c environ mostly. Not standing the fact that Bhaskar keeps saying that he needs to take a soft loan topay off the electric bill and gas for my car :) But Calcutta is going from bad to worse - where is the kalboishakhi that was the usual occurance every evening not solong ago- we had to run and close the windows so that the dust wont form a layer ...but the rain used to be so refreshing washing over the heat and the hot air and bringing in temporary relief on those hot summer evenings. I remember our Lansdowne Road house had those windows with 'Kharkari"s ( Trilok's picture post was a good reminder) and how it was a game to peer through them when we played hide and seek ....and those evenings of kalboishakhi drove in the rains from the open kharkharis and formed rivulets on the floor which gave us more chances to play hopscotch with imaginary rivers ! And then there were...