Post "Meluha" I have become a big fan of the Blue Lord ! After all , he is dedicated and a great dancer ! As I grew up in a "para', shiboratri was a big do, especially for young girls looking for a groom like the lord! I never participated, cos my spirituality was influenced by my grandmother , who clearly preferred the more astute Krishna to Shiva. And I clearly did not want someone so devoted to the Chillum ( Hookah wasn't cool then) and the snake, omg !!! However, over the years my perspective changed - and I have come to admire the creator and the destroyer in many ways ! I still am not into shivratri ...but thanks to Sri Sri, I try and chant the mantra "om namah Shivaye" 108 times and pray to the lord...I have also learnt to look beyond the ash smeared , tigerskin wearing , ganja smoking deity and find some relevance of his attributes in my life - a loyal friend and husband ...good father (mostly), protector and one who leads from the front.......