Simba , the king in making ! Kate and Prince William's newborn is giving way to too many reactions- good, bad , ugly! Bhaskar's contention was, another one has come to take away the tax payers share....I remain neutral ,after all,the junta decided to let the throne be, so who are we to complain? There was a time long, long time back when my world revolved around fairy tales, and I used to be fascinated with the British Royalty. I remember poring over the fat velvet bound books on King George the Vth 's Coronation. Their world of carriages and coaches and castles seemed so fascinating then. Somewhere, of course the tint faded as I majored with Political Science my allegience changed towards Dilectical Materialism ! Thi s time I missed another royal - the King of Africa ! We saw lionesses by the dozen almost , but the King remained elusive! We saw this pride feeding on a kill .The mother on guard as the cubs feasted loudly. A cute ...