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Showing posts from July, 2013

Blame it on......

I am finally rid of my out of Africa mode...back to reality and back to catching a glimpse of the sky  in the hues of dusk from the space between two buildings..I am back to my own jungle! This morning we walked into our office to find one of the washrooms shattered to smithereens- it seems a thief broke in and while stealing the taps, broke the ceramics into little bits and pieces!  So much for thieves and destruction... Why do people blame the elephants?

The crown prince !

Simba , the king in making ! Kate and Prince William's newborn is giving way to too many reactions- good, bad , ugly! Bhaskar's contention was, another one has come to take away the tax payers share....I remain neutral ,after all,the junta decided to let the throne be, so who are we to complain?  There was a time long, long time back when my world revolved around fairy tales, and I used to be fascinated with the British Royalty. I remember poring over the fat velvet bound books on King George the Vth 's Coronation. Their world of carriages and coaches and castles seemed so fascinating then. Somewhere, of course the tint faded as I majored with Political Science my allegience changed           towards Dilectical Materialism ! Thi s time I missed another royal - the King of Africa ! We saw  lionesses by the dozen almost , but the King remained elusive! We saw this pride feeding on a kill .The mother on guard as the cubs feasted loudly. A cute ...

From a different jungle ....

The push , shove.... 3 weeks down and back to my routine........Caught-up  at the quagmire at Jadavpur, I just happened to open up the gallery of my phone  and chance upon the picture of the two giraffes and the acacia tree. Seemed like a dream in that blare of horns of different pitch and tenor! And  I was imagining those  two elephants walking in at the 8B crossing !!  A tale I hope to live and tell my grand kids :) !  It was a huge bull with a broken tusk driving another mud splattered one out of the herd territory , 'cos only one male stays in the perphery of the herd ruled by the matriarch ! It was a fight worth watching , the arena being the African savanna with the sun gradually setting in. The ousted one had many emotions  writ large- of conceit, defiance, fighting it out till the last breath..till it gave way to dejection ...and a victory march by the winner . All this was watched by a mesmerized audience taking in the thrill of the w...

I dreamed a dream .......

This is my third attempt to en-capsule Africa in a blog! The lady with her van ! For me it was a culmination of a dream - Chibu chides me that I had dreamed  of the elephants of Jalpaiguri and not  Amboselli , but I knew I had to look for that  place in  my dream ...but didn't know how! Meeting Mau last year was providence and the key to what I had been looking for the last 13 years !She actually made my dream come true! This has been my dream ! It was long months of planning and putting bits and pieces together and fighting many adversities in the form of parents falling sick, Bhaskar and Uday having major eye surgeries and other hurdles, that we landed up in Kenya on a grey rainy morning on the 22nd of June ! To be met by Mau and Bobby -her wonderful husband !  And Patrick:)our guide and companion for the next few days  ! The first thing that I saw as our van drove out of the airport was a rump of a Zebra ....Uday was convinced that I ...