The sea and it's many moods never ceases to fascinate me . It reminds me of a lover -passionate and raging at times and soothing and tranquil at other times... There are grey days and sunny days ......bright days and days when it's washed by the rains. It can be caressing and cruel ..loving and giving , yet having the Othellian tendency of taking away the lives of those whom he loves......... I guess the perception of relationship changes with people... Niall thought the sea to be like Truda's lap wide and comforting .To some it's probably the mother provider ... Reminds me of a poem I used to teach.... Coromandel Fishers Rise, brothers, rise; the wakening skies pray to the morning light, The wind lies asleep in the arms of the dawn like a child that has cried all night. Come, let us gather our nets from the shore and set our catamarans free, To capture the leaping wealth of the tide, for we are the kings of the sea! No longer delay, let us hasten away in...