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This is the worst of times. The sky looks blue one day and grey on another. Poojo is here and markets are thronging. The city is sieged by protests and marches. I go yo-yo. On one hand there is the Mainak poojo, and this time I am helming it by default. With no state grant, our budget is tight despite donations. And as we begin the festivities, I go back to the parents who lost their young daughter. Like a poster said, Poojo hobe, utsab noi.
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Remal Rambles!

The cyclone was kinder on us this time.The horror of Umpan four years back was something that still invokes dread. The house helps could not come as tge rains disrupted transports,so I decided to clean my fridge. It still had leftovers of what Chib n Pooja kept. Alcohol mixes, sauces, pickles and preservatives. There is something about clearing! Out of date objects, excesses and what you havent used! What is sitting for more than six months need to go! Sometimes nostalgia prevents, but now I tell myself I am inching towards the expiry date, so should my nostalgia! I read somewhere storms doesn't always destroy, they clear the path for something to happen! So be it!

Coffee n cold

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Of homes n hearts

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Book fair24

বইমেলা over the years! It used to be a birthday ritual me. But that too changed over the years. Covid, arthritis and this time a bad viral. But my spirit pulls me there. More than the বই its the হইচই।

Angry birds

I heard a strange chirp and found these two. My mother called them 7 sisters, and they used to create merry hell in the garden at her parent's Benaras bunglow. Today they came in two. Stayed. And played around the pots, looked around and chirped. Birds always remind me of ma, who loved all crestures big n small. Her birthday month brings in all kinds...from butterflies to birds! A grey day brings in cheer!